Delivery and Return Policy

If you wish to cancel an order or withdraw from the contract before the services are delivered, please contact via the Contact section of the site.

According to the Romanian legislation, article 9 par. 1 of the Government Ordinance no. 34 of June 12, 2014 on consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, you have the right to withdraw from contracts concluded remotely, without specifying the reasons, within 14 calendar days of their receipt and without incurring costs other than costs direct return of products.

Terms and conditions of return of products

If you wish to withdraw from the Contract after the services have been delivered to you, you must request this in writing to the e-mail address: [email protected], but not later than 14 days after their receipt. Requests submitted after this period are not valid.

The customer has the obligation to check the integrity of the elements.

For other information regarding the return of services, you can contact us at [email protected].